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Image search results - "neoclassical"
Lagae, Jules and Wolfers, Phillipe, 1897 Brussels World Fair-obv.jpg
Brussels Word Fair, 1897 (with Philipe Wolfers), Obverse104 views
Lagae, Jules and Wolfers, Phillipe, 1897 Brussels World Fair-rev.jpg
Brussels Word Fair, 1897 (with Philipe Wolfers), Reverse72 views
Kirkwood, Alexander, Calcedonian Challenge Shield, 1863-combo.jpg
Calcedonian Challenge Shield, 186369 views
Landry, Chaux de Fonds Protestant Independent Church, 1877-combo.jpg
Chaux de Fonds Protestant Independent Church, 187773 views
Hommeau, J., Greek Discus Thrower, early 20th Century-combo.jpg
Greek Discus Thrower, Earth 20th Century1464 views
Kirstein, F., Johannes Gutenberg Commemorative, 1840-combo.jpg
Johannes Gutenberg, 184081 views
Louis XIV - Inspection of the Musketeers, 1665103 views
Gayrard, The Birth, 1820-combo.jpg
Napoleon - The Birth, 1820177 views
Gayrard, Raymond, Paris Canal Co., 1818-combo.jpg
Paris Canal Company, 181884 views
Le Blanc, Jean, Progress of Louis XV, 1719-combo.jpg
Progress of Lous XV, 171961 views
Hart, Laurent Joseph, Rubens Monument Dedication, 1840-combo.jpg
Rubens Monument Dedication, 184066 views
Hart, Laurent Joseph, Rubens Monument Dedication, 1840-obv.jpg
Rubens Monument Dedication, 1840, Obverse48 views
Societe Lyonnaise des Eaux et de L'Eclairage, 1880 (designed with Stern)79 views
Girometti, Pietro, St. Paul Basilica and Pope Leo XII Jubilee, 1825-combo.jpg
St. Paul Basilica and Pope Leo XII Jubilee, 1825100 views
14 files on 1 page(s)