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Bernardo de Irogoyen, 1902, Reverse
[b]Photo by John Birks[/b]

                DICIEMBRE 18 DE 1902 (December 18, 1902)

Reverse:  OMNIA PRO PATRIA (Everything for One's Country)
                LXXX ANIVERSARIO (80th Anniversary)

IRIGOYEN, Bernardo de (e-re-goy'-en), Argentine statesman, born in Buenos Ayres, 28 June, 1823. He studied law in the university of his native city, was graduated in 1843, and began to practise at the bar. In 1845 the dictator sent him to the city of Mendoza to assist the authorities in quelling a revolution, and afterward employed him in various public offices. On the downfall of the dictator in 1852, Irigoyen gave himself to his law practice, and attained eminence at the bar. When Avellaneda was elected president in 1874, he called Irigoyen to form part of his ministry, and appointed him secretary of foreign relations, in which capacity he contributed greatly to maintain friendly relations with foreign nations, especially with Chili. He also concluded several treaties of commerce with European nations, which greatly benefited his country, and fostered emigration, which has given a powerful impulse to the prosperity of the Argentine Republic. He held the same office during the administration of General Roca, and settled the Patagonia boundary question with Chili, which at one time had threatened to result in war, by the treaty of 1881. He also prepared the basis of an arrangement of the disputed boundary with Brazil. At the end of 1884 Irigoyen resigned his portfolio, as he had been proclaimed a candidate for the presidency by the Federal party and by part of the National autonomist party. He was defeated by the opposition candidate, Juarez Cehnan, and returned to his practice as a lawyer, but was soon elected senator to the Federal congress.
Keywords: sold

Bernardo de Irogoyen, 1902, Reverse

Photo by John Birks

DICIEMBRE 18 DE 1902 (December 18, 1902)

Reverse: OMNIA PRO PATRIA (Everything for One's Country)
LXXX ANIVERSARIO (80th Anniversary)

IRIGOYEN, Bernardo de (e-re-goy'-en), Argentine statesman, born in Buenos Ayres, 28 June, 1823. He studied law in the university of his native city, was graduated in 1843, and began to practise at the bar. In 1845 the dictator sent him to the city of Mendoza to assist the authorities in quelling a revolution, and afterward employed him in various public offices. On the downfall of the dictator in 1852, Irigoyen gave himself to his law practice, and attained eminence at the bar. When Avellaneda was elected president in 1874, he called Irigoyen to form part of his ministry, and appointed him secretary of foreign relations, in which capacity he contributed greatly to maintain friendly relations with foreign nations, especially with Chili. He also concluded several treaties of commerce with European nations, which greatly benefited his country, and fostered emigration, which has given a powerful impulse to the prosperity of the Argentine Republic. He held the same office during the administration of General Roca, and settled the Patagonia boundary question with Chili, which at one time had threatened to result in war, by the treaty of 1881. He also prepared the basis of an arrangement of the disputed boundary with Brazil. At the end of 1884 Irigoyen resigned his portfolio, as he had been proclaimed a candidate for the presidency by the Federal party and by part of the National autonomist party. He was defeated by the opposition candidate, Juarez Cehnan, and returned to his practice as a lawyer, but was soon elected senator to the Federal congress.

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