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American Numismatic Society Member's Medal, Silver, 1910

American Numismatic Society Member's Medal, Silver, 1910

Boullaire, Jacques, Laos Ship Medal, 1954-obv.jpg Castellucci&Johnson-S_PresaDiGorizia_combo.jpg Bezombes_Roger_Sade_Compagnie_Generale_de_Travaux_d_Hydraulique_1919-1969.jpg Bazor, Lucine, Credit Commercial de France Bank, ND-combo.jpg Chaplain,_Marianne_-_Conseil_Municipal_de_Paris.jpg Blin,_E_,_Saint_Georges.jpg Blin, Association des Industriels de France, Contre les Accidents  du Travail-combo.jpg Andrieu_King_Louis_XVIII_Enters_Paris_Bramsen_1410.jpg Coe, Herring, SOM #75, Beyond the Sky and Beneath the Sea are Known bt to God and Fantasy-obv.jpg