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Marianne in Phyrigian Cap, Award Medal
Keywords: frederick_de_vernon

Marianne in Phyrigian Cap, Award Medal

Pillet_TravailPerseverance_combo.jpg Vernon,_F_,_Marianne-combo.jpg Pradeilhes, P., Sports Medal-rev-small.jpg Quasthoff, D. 350 Year Anniversary of the Founding of Santa Fe-obv-small~0.jpg Turin, 700th Anniv. of Death of St. Francis of Assisi, Issued by SFAM, 1926-combo.jpg Sacrum_88 kopia.jpg Kaloyan_Bushev_ORIGIN.jpg Briquemont,_Jean-Auguste,_The_Shepard,_cast_bronze_maquette.jpg Goetz_K472_President_s_Election_1932.jpg